World Diabetes Day Symposium at the UOD
نوفمبر 27, 2023, 10:03 ص

On the occasion of World Diabetes Day that met November 14th, 2023, the College of Medicine and the College of Nursing at the University of Duhok along with Kurdistan Students Union organized a symposium entitled: “World Diabetes Day Focusing on Nursing”. This event took place on Thursday, November 16th, 2023, at the Peshmarge Hall of the students Center at the UOD, by the attendance of many doctors from Duhok and teachers and students of the colleges of Medicine and Nursing.

The symposium started with a social part which was a stage show performed by the two students: Dilsher Mustafa and Renas Zubair from the Plastic Arts Institute of the UOD. This show illustrated the social and psychological effects of Diabetes Mellitus on its patients. Then, the scientific part took place and a welcoming speech by Dr. Ahmed Mohammed Salih, the Dean of the College of Nursing was given, in which he declared that the two aforementioned colleges thought it would be necessary to have an activity focusing on diabetes and showing the aspects of what diabetes nursing is, nursing strategies, and other related points. the Dean of the College of Nursing and the Dean of the College of Medicine, Dr. Dildar Haji Musa, were the chairmen of this symposium.

After that, the first speaker, Dr. Bayar Ahmed, who had a role in setting this activity; presented a speech shedding light on: “The Diabetes Specialist Nursing, Past and Present”. He showed that Diabetes Specialist Nurse (DSN) role exists to educate and Support people living with diabetes and their families, at all stages in their lives. He also stressed on the role of educating diabetic patients on their disease. And also that the nurses need to be educated and well aware as their role is even more important than the doctors’ in aiding the patients.

The second speaker was Dr. Ary Habeeb, talking about “Screening of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus”. He showed the difference between valid and invalid screening types and the criteria of a right screening. Throughout his presentation, he mentioned that based on a study, the age of screening lowered from 40 to 35 years.

Later on, Dr. Sara Jawad Kadhim, from the College of Nursing, talked about: “Nursing Care and Education for Newly Diagnosed Diabetes Patients”. She encouraged nurses to make time to give the newly diagnosed patients the basic understanding and skills to take care of themselves. These skills and habits are giving injections of Insulin, healthy nutrition diet and wight management, medication and monitoring oral glycemic agents and injectable therapies.

The following speaker was Dr. Runak Hassan Mohammed, presenting “Nursing Strategies for Preventing Complications Among Diabetic Patients”. One highly important advice she made was that learning and practicing excellence feet care are essential to prevent amputation in peripheral vascular disease. She stated that diabetic patients need to check their feet daily even if they look well, and to see the doctor if they noticed a cut or blister that won’t heal.

The last speaker was Dr. Yousif Ali, talking as a psychiatric on “Psychological Impacts of Diabetes Mellitus”. He stated that diabetes is a result of psychological stress and many diabetic patients face Diabetes Distress (DD), which is known as failure to cope with diabetes after being diagnosed with.

After finishing this part, a free diabetes screening part was set at the lobby, where the students of the two colleges managed it.

UOD Media, November 19, 2023

Fatima Mahmood

Photo Credits: Harman Jangeer