UOD in Partnership with University of Pennsylvania Announces that Application for “World in Dialogue” Program is Available
Aug. 27, 2023, 9:54 a.m.

Students from all of the colleges of the UOD can participate if they are interested. There are two main requirements for taking part in this activity. The first one is being good at English. These dialogues will be in English, so participants should be able to understand and speak English well. The second one is that it is preferred that participants belong to second and third stages of their study.

If you are interested in taking part, send an email to dialogue@UOD.ac in which you mention your full name, college, department, stage, phone number and email address.

All participants will be interviewed to make sure that those who are up to the level will be selected. The interview will take place in UOD, the Cultural Center building on Wednesday, September 6, 2023 at 10.00 am.

It is worth to be mentioned “World in Conversation” program was established in 2018. The purpose of the program is to provide opportunity for everyone from any society around the world to participate in dialogue with individuals from other societies around the world in order to exchange views on social issues so as to solve the problems and improve of the world.

UOD students participated in three negotiations of the program with text form in November 2022, and then UOD was given the opportunity to participate as a main partner, with 38 students of both genders from different colleges of the UOD. In November 2023, they began participating in online conversation for 21 weeks. The participation of all students was good due to having serious and convincing conversation skills in general, in addition to having good English language abilities. The program included discussions on various issues related to contemporary social problems, culture, customs and traditions and the transfer of culture.