8 staff members attended a joint science conference in Oldenburg
Aug. 4, 2016, 10:16 a.m.

From the 7th of July until the 15th of July 2016 a delegation of eight staff members of University of Dohuk attended a joint science conference in Oldenburg / Germany with the title “Implementation of Inclusion in the Educational System of Iraq. Selected Topics of Theory and Practice of Special Needs Education in Germany”.

The conference was part of the university partnership between UoD and the University of Oldenburg, supported by DAAD and had the goal to provide insights into various scientific fields and practices of Special Needs Education in Germany. A total of 13 different lectures and workshops was held by German specialists and the intensive discussions and professional exchanges with the colleagues from Dohuk made it a valuable experience for both sides.

Part of the delegation from Dohuk was the Director of the study course “Special Education and Rehabilitation”, Dr. Chachan Jumaa Mohammed with six colleagues and for parts of the conference the President of University of Dohuk, Prof. Dr. Mosleh Duhoky, the Director of International Relations. Prof. Dr. Rund Hammoudi and the director of the Center for European Studies, Dr. Mamou Othman paid a visit.

As both sides found great benefit in the program and the academic exchange, another joint science conference of similar scale will be planned to take place in Oldenburg in the summer of 2017.